by snubcodev | Sep 2, 2019
Freeze and Hot Tap Case History #33 Objective: Hot tap the tubing below the bridge plug and inject gel to freeze the well to allow for the removal of the drill collars. Well Information: 12MPa gas well. After success UBD operations to deepen a well, the floats did not...
by snubcodev | Sep 2, 2019
Freeze and Hot Tap Case History #32 Objective: Inject freeze gel and freeze the three well head valves enabling the safe removal of all equipment above the well head valves and install a 4 1/16th 10K bop dressed with slip rams and pipe rams to fit the 1 ½” weight bar...
by snubcodev | Sep 2, 2019
Freeze and Hot Tap Case History #31 Objective: Freeze well below coil tubing in order to remove damaged 2 inch coil tubing in lubricator and re-attach to good coil tubing. Well Information: 20 mpa sweet gas well with frac tool,overshot,jars, and crossover to 2...
by snubcodev | Sep 2, 2019
Freeze and Hot Tap Case History #30 Objective: Replace split 4 by 2 inch swedge below master valve on a coil tubing completion. Well Information: Well gas blowing out of swedge that is split vertically from threads to top of the neck and split horizontally half way...
by snubcodev | Sep 2, 2019
Freeze and Hot Tap Case History #29 Objective: Replace master valve on well. No vehicle access. Well Information: 18mPa surface pressure with 2% H2S content. Procedure: All personnel and equipment were flown into location from staging area. Portable lubricators filled...