Snubbing Case History #26
Objective: Perform acid selective stimulation and completion.
Well Information: 8 Mpa gas well, 2,400m deep.
Procedure: Rig up snubbing unit and pressure test. Strip in acid tools and 225 joints tubing, space out tubing and correlate to logs. Rig up slick line and pull plugs. Perform acid job, close valve, pull 1 joint and land tubing. Rig out snubbing unit. Rig performs tasks. Rig up snubbing unit and pressure test. Strip out tubing hanger, tubing and acid tools. RIH completion BHA and tubing, tag fill, rig up wireline and pull plug. Clean out to packer, pull slim hole valves set plug space out tubing strip in tubing hanger, latch onto packer and land tubing.
Time on location: 29.5 hours