International Snubbing Case History #1
Objective: Snub out existing 244mm straddle packers assembly and snub in new straddle packers to isolate gas zone using a 177mm snubbing BOP stack.
Well Information: Sour 7mPa 3200 meter multi zone oil / gas well.
Procedure: Snub out 88.9mm slick string. Snub in BHA consisting of 177mm retrieving tool, 88.9mm pup, circulating plug, x/o, 114mm joint, x/o and 88.9mm tubing. Latch onto straddle packers, release packers and snub out of hole till 114mm tubing joint. Land 177mm tubing hanger. Change over handling equipment to 2.06mm. Snub in retrieving toll and retrieve slip stop and circulating plug 2 20 meters from surface. Snub in 63.5mm inflatable packer and 26 joints and set inflatable in lower BHA. Snub out 2.06mm tubing. Change handling equipment over to 114mm. Stage out tubing hanger, 114mm tubing joint and upper packer. Land tubing hanger. Change over handling equipment to 73mm and snub in bridge plug and 16 joints, set bridge plug above inflatable packer and snub out 73mm tubing. Change over handling equipment to 114mm. Stage out tubing hanger, snub out remaining 13 joints of 114mm tubing, packer, flow sub w / ball catcher. Snub in new straddle packer assembly and 234 joints of 114mm tubing, space out and set packers. Come packer assembly with on/off and fill hole, latch back onto packers and pressure test. Come off on/off and pull 2 joints. Land tubing hanger and rig out
Time on location: 22 days