Freeze and Hot Tap Case History #14
Objective:Hot tap 2 7/8” master valve to gain access in order to kill well and replace damaged valve.
Well Information:15 Mpa sour gas well.
Procedure: Erect scaffolding; confirm no pressure above seized master valve, rig out wellhead equipment. Install correct crossover flange, working valve and hot tap drill. Pressure test connections and hot tap equipment to 30 Mpa. Bleed pressure back to 17 Mpa and commence drilling through gate. Advance drills through both halves of gate and confirm based on measurements and pressure equalization as well as drill torque. Retract bit above working valve and close. Tie bleed off into testers and bleed off sour gas above work valve. Rig out hot tap drill, hand over well for kill operations.
Time on location: 3 hours